gossip site for people working in or around technology PR
08 August 2007
This could be handy...
...if it gets populated.
Journoparties...like a calendar. Of press parties. And other events.
You'll be able to avoid clashes or, even better, see what everyone one else is up to.
this is similar to rah rah rah blah blah blah that was around in the original dotcoms bubble dont give it much chance, weren't they the days, i remember when blah blah blah
It was this self same website that has not only hugely stitched me up at events where numbers really were limited (because invitees would post the event on there), but also saved my bacon at events where none of the b*starding invitees showed up...you can always rely on Goodwins to rock up to an event posted on here.
Although be warned...this is how Paul Smart finds out about events...you never invite him, but he always turns up
Does he still turn up everywhere with Michael Fereday? They were my bankers in the good old days - need to fill a day-long press launch of a new print toner cartridge and we'd be sure to get atleast these two bums on seats! Loves the buffet
the 'lunch bunch' write for MicroMart - have done for years. Huge circulation in the past, big enough for Dennis to buy - though I don't know what the ad response rate but though it's not exactly fashionable I expect it gets your client in front of a large number of eyeballs...
this is similar to rah rah rah blah blah blah that was around in the original dotcoms bubble dont give it much chance, weren't they the days, i remember when blah blah blah
Could be handy for highlighting the ones with the free bar...can always make time for a free bar.
It was this self same website that has not only hugely stitched me up at events where numbers really were limited (because invitees would post the event on there), but also saved my bacon at events where none of the b*starding invitees showed up...you can always rely on Goodwins to rock up to an event posted on here.
Although be warned...this is how Paul Smart finds out about events...you never invite him, but he always turns up
ha ha! Paul Smart! Lovely bloke, like, but yes, he does seem to 'get around'!
I've always wondered who Paul Smart and the rest of the lunch bunch actually write for? Any ideas?
Does he still turn up everywhere with Michael Fereday? They were my bankers in the good old days - need to fill a day-long press launch of a new print toner cartridge and we'd be sure to get atleast these two bums on seats! Loves the buffet
the 'lunch bunch' write for MicroMart - have done for years. Huge circulation in the past, big enough for Dennis to buy - though I don't know what the ad response rate but though it's not exactly fashionable I expect it gets your client in front of a large number of eyeballs...
One of them writes very occasionally for Micro Mart. Think Smart used to, but they stopped using him years ago.
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