Have you been down to Edelman's offices recently? They've got a beautiful big Christmas tree...real as well. I think Stuart Smith, CEO had something to

He looks happy though. Could it be this huge pile of Microsoft Xbox consoles hidden underneath..?
Now why would Edelman have all of those..?
because they are launching it in the US and presumably have won the business in the UK too
Hello Sherlock!
Umm, yes, well done you...I think you've cracked it.
Congratulations to Stuart Smith for avoiding a competitive pitch despite what Microsoft says...
you have to say fair play really - i mean who wouldn't want to win the Xbox account - especially just as the Wii launched and is seemingly kicking the arse of every other console out there....!
Launching it are they? well I never, I better take my (18 month old) one back to the shops then if it hasn't been launched yet. Wouldn't want to miss out on those special lauch deals.
Apparently Edelman are also launching Windows 95 next week. Also heard they are in the running for the SEGA Megadrive account so it looks like a busy time down Haymarket way.. Please....
Wii is no contest for Xbox, zero. COMPLETELY different market. PS3 on the other hand..... All depends on adoption rates for Blue Ray vs HDDVD IMHO. Remember DVD adoption was on the floor before the PS2 came out. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out.
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