For those that missed the original post or aren't friends of ours on Facebook (and why not?) and therefore didn't receive an event invitation or, frankly, have just forgotten, we're off out for a beer this Thursday evening...and the first one (which for me at least will be the size of the one in this picture) is on Matthew Ravden, PR man, author, blah, blah, blah...
We'll be upstairs in the Crown and Two Chairman pub on Dean Street, Soho, from about 7.00pm. In the event that the upstairs is closed, or there's a private party on (I haven't checked, obviously) we'll be downstairs.
Look out for this man....

(It's Ravden, not some dodgy bloke who frequents the Crown and Two...)
Oh good, nobody's coming. Cheap evening ...
Don't you fret dear boy...you'll be out of pocket by last orders.
So for those of us that couldn't be there, how many and who turned up????
Well, it's always a bit tricky to say. The pub was busy so there might've been people there that I didn't meet, but I certainly chatted to people from Hill & Knowlton, Text 100, Inferno, Weber Shandwick, Golin Harris, Edelman, The PR Network...I think I might have missed a few.
I got a bit drunk, you see. And bless him, Matt Ravden bought loads of beer and I only saw him sign one copy of his book (and give another one away).
He's a good man.
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