I see that Bruce has started a new PR agency. Just look at his little face at the champagne launch!
I can't imagine where the inspiration for the name and logo came from...

Good luck Bruce...and may the Force be with you.
gossip site for people working in or around technology PR
Try as I might - I really can't see any apparent links or typographical similarities between 'wolfstar' and 'star wars' - apart from the 'star' bit, obviously...
All very nice and 'web/PR 2.0', but does anyone else find the website very 'cluttered' and quite 'user unfriendly?'
Bruce says: "As a company we aim to shine brightly like a star with the endurance of the wolf. Wolves are built for stamina."
He should try watching them in the Championship...
Oh dear. Can this be for real? I truly hope note. Oh dear.
Wolverhampton Wanderers are sh*te figgis!
>Wolverhampton Wanderers are sh*te figgis!<
I think you should examine your sarcasmometer - it didn't seem to be working when you looked at my comment...
Wolfstar - very 80s. It's a bit like Streethawk or Airwolf. Wasn't there a character in Terrahawks called Wolfstar. I'm quite liking it. Perhaps the agency can stage a revival of the Atari or the ZX Spectrum!
Given it's based in the north, I imagine the technologies of which you speak are very current.
At least here in Yorkshire we have learnt to read! I think you will find that I wrote that blog about our name not Bruce.
My, what big eyes you've got.
figgis says: "I think you should examine your sarcasmometer - it didn't seem to be working when you looked at my comment..."
can't all be as cynical as you my friend
Cheeky swine! Nowt wrong with sticking with what you know, tha knows!
>can't all be as cynical as you my friend<
why not?
>>Wasn't there a character in Terrahawks called Wolfstar<<
You're thinking of 'youngstar'. And while we're on the subject of Terrahawks, has anyone noticed the remarkable similarity between Terrahawks' arch-villain 'Zelda' and Shirley off Eastenders...???
Anyone that reminisces about the eighties, and anything to do with it, smells of spam, wank and marty mcfly mxed together in a two point frickin oh flux capacitor. Suck on that mother bitch.
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