Thou shalt absolutely covet your neighbour's account executives.
News reaches us from Surrey that a small billboard has appeared outside Surbiton railway station ("one of those pyramidal things you see outside pubs advertising the day's specials," our source tells us...)
Nothing unusual in that, you might think. Except that this billboard is advertising employment opportunities at tech PR shop Livewire Public Relations. Seems like a rather narrow piece of targeted advertising, don't you think?
Indeed, until you realise that tech PR executive footfall through Surbiton might well be increased by employees of Livewire's near neighbour, tech PR shop Wildfire Public Relations...
A poaching exercise? Our source isn't so sure:
"They're very different tribes. If you've got Wildfire and Livewire bunnies in the pub, at the same time, you know there's going to be trouble. So the police try to contain the violence, by marshalling them into different turfs."
Celebrity PR Deathmatch coming soon surely
PR deathmatch - I would pay good money to see that. There's not enough mindless violence in tech PR these days...
We once banded around the office an idea to have a white collar boxing match against one of our rivals... Adrianne....
...and the huge banner they have flying from the 1st floor window is quite amusing too.
Jackie Cooper vs Chris Lewis
Place your bets ladies and gentlemen
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