...the full name being 50:50:62:78
What the hell am I talking about? Well, those of you who saw this story in PRWeak's diary page last week might know. 50:50 is the name of the "rock" band formed by Hugh Birley, boss of Lexis PR, and "three chums" and which played a gig to a muted reception at a boozer in Herne Hill the other week. This is the band's flyer.
Mid-Life Crisis Management services, anyone..?
What Weak didn't spot, of course, was that one of Birley's "chums" was Matthew Ravden, long-time director and shareholder in the Next Fifteen Group of PR companies. He's the one on keyboards...like Chris Martin two decades from today. When he's started to forget stuff.
What Weak also didn't tell you was that you can see them perform here on YouTube...
Doesn't beat the Text 100 band - great horn section (Simon Thompson on trumpet was one), sexy backing singers (can't remember any of their names), Mark Adams on drums (in a gorilla suit for some reason), plus Phil Southgate doing something - can't remember what.
We only had a repetoire of 2 songs though - so strangely enough didn't get to play very often.
I'd heard that the reception for the band was much warmer than 'muted'. In fact, I'd heard tales of PR groupies screaming their heads off and even the odd set of underwear making it on to the stage from the depths of the audience. Rock and roll!
You're married to one of them, aren't you?
No, sadly not; if I was that old, I wouldn't know how to use the Internet...
Crikey - Chris Lewis won't be happy. I hear he bought the Media Centre so he could 'perform' there...
I can confirm it wasn't muted, it was rockin'. Couldn't hear myself play for the screaming. And yes, I was hit flush in the face by a pair of M&S high top knickers. Lovely.
I do remember the Text 100 band. Very tight they were too.
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