24 July 2006

Are the bunnies pining for Warren?

Guy ‘Guy Goma’ Kewney – being a bit of an irascible techie – sets his email client to ‘display text only.’ Indeed he argues that “many email clients do this automatically, for the very simple reason that graphics are normally not embedded in the mail, but have to be downloaded from the host server - and this betrays the IP address of the machine.”

Which meant that his invite to Bite PR’s PlayBite Bunnies bash (its annual shin-dig, this year at a secret location, apparently, which we take as spin for “forgot to book somewhere and ringing around desperately to find somewhere, anywhere, just not Lupos”) arrive as an empty email.

Guy laughs at Bite’s stupidity but, if you’re feeling generous, it might have been a clever way of ‘inviting without inviting’ Mr Kewney. Which may, of course, be related to his assertion that the “moniker is derived from the undoubted fact that the executives at Bite PR usually include more than their fair share of young women with nice figures.” Nice.

There again, maybe PlayBite Bunnies are simply missing the Warren, his online nous and his whole-bottom decision making.


Anonymous said...

As a repected "tech journalist" you have to admire Guy's use of text only emails. Rumour has it he has a state of the art gramophone too, still watches "videos" and is planning an article on the potential for a new technology called "lasers".

Anonymous said...

You spotted our cunning plan to sift out individuals with spam filters on their machines or who were not sufficiently resourceful to download the html invitation. Either way it clearly failed because we got an acceptance email from Guy Kewney containing the full image downloaded! In hindsight we should probably have sent a text mail with the following link www.bitepr.com/playbite. So for the benefit of those of you unable to see the html mail please follow the link to the bunnies.

Anonymous said...

He also looks decidedly uncomfortable having to wear that 'confounded headset contraption'...

Anonymous said...

my guess is that bite is quite happy that guy cares that much about the event that he has to blog about the invite...

Anonymous said...

either that, or he's got nothing else to talk about...

Anonymous said...

actually the original email invite was sent with a text alternative, what guy saw was a html email with a blocked image. If he had been viewing text he would have seen this......"if you cannot view this email please click here http://www.bitepr.com/playbite/front.html

... perhaps hes not so techy after all