You'll be interested to hear that the Flackenhack Awards 2007 now benefits from a stylish logo. Here it is.
I think you'll agree that it reflects a desire to establish a forward-looking vision for the future of all PR - indeed all business - awards programmes moving forwards from today. It strikes a delicate - though robust - balance between a genuine respect for the history and integrity of our industry, while signposting the bright, though winding, road that lies ahead of us all in the future from tomorrow.
Either that or it looks a bit like a knob. You decide.
And don't forget to get those entries in! We've had some crackers so far...but need more if we're going to give our esteemed (and soon to be announced) judging panel some difficult decisions to make. Categories are here...it ain't a lot of work.
Ha ha!! Love it!!
Absolute genius!
But a nagging feeling I've seen it somewhere before.
I think it looks like 3 "viper class" police ships leaving a space-station in the classic 8-bit computer game "Elite". Seeing as how they are filled vector graphics (ruling the BBC and Sprectum out) I'd say this is either the NES or Archimedies version...do I need to get out more?
Aside from this being a great initiative, I'll have to do some nagging as well - doesn't this vividly resemble that highly-controversial London 2012 logo? :)
Nice One TWL.
I am wondering what if this Logo gives some people seizures as a similar logo has done.
I'm afraid you will have to retract this logo as it triggered my Tourette's almost instantly when I looked at it.
Does this mean that the flackenhacks start £400,000 quid down? Will you be forced to downgrade the venue, or the band..?
Ooh, Anon at 8.23am made me laugh.
Splendid. Iconic even.
Actually, yes, is there an animated version?? It could bring a whole new meaning to 'Flash'.
I also think the words 'thrusting industry' could be used somewhere in here...
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