27 June 2007

A little bit of Sheffield in Hammersmith….

News reaches us that Text 100’s London office is flooded and employees have been sent home.

Seeing how a tech PR agency copes with enforced ‘flexible working’ and ‘disaster recovery’ should prove to be an interesting “cobblers’ kids” case study.

Must have been a bloody big flood. Surely most PR agencies have more than enough hot air to evaporate a few gallons of water….


Unknown said...

I thought most of them worked on the first floor? Must've been a REALLY big flood...

Anonymous said...

A couple of years ago we were all sent home from Bite when so much water came through the roof that the electrics started exploding. Staff fled the scene first, followed soon after by a family of rats that had taken up residence under the floor - an exterminator was called in to ensure they didn't return, the rats that is.

Anonymous said...

Staff in IPC's new office on the South Bank recently got flooded out because the roof was leaking. Fortunately I think it was Yachting World, or one of the boating titles so they probably had lots of waterproof gear to put on.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I heard that Bite's character building used to have water running down the walls now and again, staff left when the water hit the sockets.

Saying that as a client I never knew the difference, since it was always really hard to get them on the phone anyway ;-)